According to Hindu and yogic traditions, the solar plexus chakra, also known as the third chakra or Manipura in Sanskrit, is one of the seven major energy centers in the body. It is connected with the color yellow and is situated in the upper abdomen, directly behind the sternum.
The solar plexus chakra is frequently linked to our sense of self-worth and personal power. It is believed to control our sense of self-assurance, willpower, and decision-making capacity. We have a sense of power, confidence, and control over our life when the solar plexus chakra is balanced and operating properly.
Feelings of poor self-worth, uncertainty, and lack of confidence are among indications of an imbalanced or blocked solar plexus chakra, as are physical symptoms including digestive disorders, liver issues, and persistent weariness.
There are several practices that can be beneficial for balancing and opening the solar plexus chakra, including:
pursuing pursuits that foster self-assurance and self-worth, such as public speaking, leadership positions, or artistic expression.
using meditation and mindfulness techniques to develop self-awareness and introspection.
consuming healthy meals, such as complex carbs, fiber, and foods with a yellow tint, that assist the digestive tract
exercising physically, particularly exercises that strengthen and stabilize you by involving your core muscles.
receiving Reiki or other energy healing techniques that can assist in chakra clearing and balancing.
In general, the solar plexus chakra is a significant energy point that contributes to our sense of empowerment, self-assurance, and control over our lives. We can develop a stronger sense of personal strength and self-esteem and live our lives with more clarity and purpose by learning to balance and open this chakra.