Let’s talk about healing—the messy, beautiful, often confusing process of becoming whole. You’d think that healing would feel like butterflies and rainbows, a steady upward climb to enlightenment. But the truth? Healing sometimes feels like absolute chaos. One minute you’re glowing with newfound clarity, and the next, you’re crying into your avocado toast, wondering if you’ve made a terrible mistake.
This, my friends, is the healing crisis. It’s the part of growth that no one talks about, the in-between where the old you meets the new you and things get...weird. But here’s the twist: the healing crisis isn’t a sign that something’s wrong. It’s proof that something is finally going right.
1. What the Heck is a Healing Crisis?
A healing crisis is what happens when the stuff you’ve buried—emotions, traumas, old beliefs—starts to surface. Think of it like cleaning out a cluttered closet. At first, it feels great to open the door and see the potential. But then you start pulling everything out, and suddenly, your floor is covered in outdated sweaters, emotional baggage, and a pair of metaphorical jeans you’ve been holding onto “just in case.”
The healing crisis is that messy middle. It’s your body, mind, and spirit detoxing all the gunk you didn’t realize you were carrying. And while it’s not cute, it’s necessary.
2. Why Healing Feels Worse Before It Feels Better
Here’s the kicker: healing isn’t linear. It doesn’t come with a clear roadmap or a guarantee that you’ll feel better every step of the way. In fact, during a healing crisis, you might feel worse—physically, emotionally, or both—before you feel better.
Why? Because your body and mind are recalibrating. When you start addressing old wounds—whether through therapy, bodywork, plant medicine, or even a life-changing yoga class—you stir up everything that’s been stuck. It’s like a snow globe: things need to get shaken up before they can settle into clarity.
3. Signs You’re in a Healing Crisis
Not sure if you’re in the thick of it? Here are some telltale signs:
Physical Symptoms: Headaches, fatigue, skin breakouts, digestive issues—basically, your body saying, “Hey, we’re releasing some stuff over here.”
Emotional Ups and Downs: Crying at commercials, feeling rage-y over minor inconveniences, or wanting to hermit away from the world.
Mental Overload: Questioning your choices, rethinking old memories, or having all the thoughts all at once.
It can feel overwhelming, but remember: you’re not broken. You’re healing.
4. The Science Behind the Madness
The healing crisis isn’t just woo-woo—it’s backed by science. When you start making changes, whether through diet, therapy, or energy work, your body begins a process called retracing. This means old patterns, toxins, and traumas rise to the surface so they can be released. It’s your body and brain rewiring themselves, which is as exhausting as it sounds.
Here’s a fun fact: your brain is neuroplastic, meaning it can rewire itself for better patterns. But the rewiring process can feel chaotic, like when your computer updates and everything moves around on your desktop. Healing is your brain’s way of saying, We’re under construction—please pardon the mess.
5. Why the Healing Crisis is Actually a Good Thing
I know, I know—it doesn’t feel good. But here’s why the healing crisis is worth celebrating:
It’s a Sign of Progress: If you’re experiencing a healing crisis, it means your efforts are working. You’re releasing what no longer serves you to make space for something better.
It’s Temporary: Just like a storm clears the air, the intensity of a healing crisis will pass, leaving you stronger and more aligned.
It’s a Gateway to Growth: The discomfort is proof that you’re evolving. You’re shedding old layers to step into the next version of yourself.
6. How to Navigate the Healing Crisis Without Losing It
If you’re in the middle of a healing crisis and wondering, How do I survive this? don’t worry—I’ve got you. Here are some practical tips for riding the waves:
Be Gentle with Yourself: Healing isn’t a race. Take it slow, rest when you need to, and give yourself permission to feel all the feelings.
Hydrate Like It’s Your Job: Water helps flush out toxins—physical and emotional. Plus, staying hydrated makes you feel slightly more human when things get rough.
Journal It Out: Write down what’s coming up for you, no matter how messy or irrational it feels. Sometimes, just getting it out of your head is enough to create relief.
Move Your Body: Gentle movement like yoga, walking, or dancing can help energy move through you. (Bonus points if it’s to an empowering playlist.)
Talk to Someone You Trust: A friend, therapist, or healer can help you process what’s coming up and remind you that you’re not alone.
7. The Beauty of Breaking Open
Here’s the thing about the healing crisis: it’s not just about getting through it—it’s about what’s on the other side. When you let yourself break open, you create space for something new to bloom. The parts of you that felt stuck, heavy, or hopeless start to soften. You begin to see yourself not as a project to fix, but as a human who’s evolving, learning, and healing in their own beautiful way.
8. Final Thoughts: Embracing the Chaos
If healing feels messy, chaotic, or downright uncomfortable, take heart—it means you’re doing it right. Growth rarely comes without a little turbulence, and the healing crisis is your proof that you’re on the path to something better. So, the next time you find yourself crying into your coffee or feeling like you’ve taken two steps back, remember this: you’re not falling apart—you’re falling into alignment.
Healing isn’t always pretty, but it’s always worth it. And when the storm passes, you’ll look back at this messy, raw, transformative chapter and realize it was one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever done for yourself.